
Pros and Cons of the Atkins Diet 

There are many health benefits to this diet, although the Atkins Diet also has its limitations:
(healthline.com, 2005-2019)


Research on the Atkins diet has shown that it aids in weight loss in the early phases, due to the decrease of hunger, and promotion of fat loss in the abdominal cavity. The diet can improve or reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome or diabetes, and has proven to lower the blood’s triglycerides, which in effect helps to lower blood pressure and insulin levels and increase of HDL (good) cholesterol (healthline.com, 2005-2019). Atkins does have potential health benefits, however any diet which aids in losing weight will improve said health conditions, thus low - carbohydrate diets are not essential for healing.

Additionally, inducing ketosis in the body can increase the risk of heart disease and some forms of cancerous cells in the body. There is also a risk that ketosis may worsen existing health conditions, particularly due to the high-fat element of the diet (Crowe, 2017).

Dependent upon the individual’s nutrient requirements, a high protein and low carbohydrate diet may be suitable, particularly as they are low kilojoule. However, diets which provide adequate amounts of each macronutrient are just as effective in sustaining good health, and supporting weight loss (Crowe, 2017).

The Atkins Diet was no more benefit in contributing to weight loss, in comparison to other diets. According to a study conducted by the American Medical Association, 2005, ‘Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, Weight Watchers, and Zone Diets for Weight Loss’, each of the diets resulted in similar weight loss outcomes, demonstrating that individual dietary adherence is a significant factor in weight loss rather than the type of fad diet chosen (Dansinger, 2005). To conclude, Atkins is not mandatory for weight loss or the improvement of health.


  1. Didn't know much about this diet but your blog has given me a very insightful and comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons


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